Closed Captions are important in capturing speech from video or audio files. Captions are important in a variety of industries like legal, media, corporate, education and even medical. This also makes your content searchable and easily accessible for people to use as a resource.
There are so many different scenarios that captions play a vital part in efficiency, but even more important, creating usable content for all walks of life. There are approximately 7 learning disabilities and about 20% of the population operate with at least one every day. During the pandemic students receiving accommodations dropped by 1%. Indicating that either we stopped having faculty that would support the need or those in need did not ask for assistance. We can solve for what we know, but how hard is it to solve for the unknown?
Songbird’s mission is to promote environments that automatically provide solutions for people with visible and invisible learning disabilities. We want to redefine how organizations look at providing transcriptions, captions and even subtitles. In the current world where it has to be a requested service, our goal is to help push it to be the new standard. With our AI powered and human validated workflows, we want to encourage a proactive thinking, where institutions automatically provide services for people with learning disabilities and the need to request is eliminated.