Education Transcripts


Helping companies cultivate an inclusive culture that allows equal accessibility to all communications by providing transcriptions and captions through automation and human validation.

Education Transcripts
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Seamless Experience

Songbird has all API integrations needed to connect with your top platforms.

Transcriptions & Captions

Transcriptions & Captions

Allowing professionals to get clear content without needing edits for specific topic jargon related to their subject matter.

Topic Extraction

Topic Extraction

Utilizing our 2nd brain to help organize large collections of data for an easy search.

ADA Compliant

ADA Compliant

Ensuring any human in any walk of life has access to the same content as the person next to them.

Why Songbird?

Automated and Automated post Human

Check out our world class AI transcripts with the option to add a human component to check the work.

Automated and Automated post Human
Transcription accuracy

99% Accuracy

Songbird's transcriptions learn and develop with you overtime and allow for top-of-the-line accuracy.

1000 uploads

Helping get the task done quickly, Songbird has the ability to receive 1,000 upload files at a time for your auto transcripts.

1000 uploads
Transcriptions with evolving vocabulary

Transcriptions with evolving vocabulary

Songbird is a transcription service that allows for quick and accurate outputs so that you can focus on the task you enjoy most.

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A flat rate for all of your transcription needs.

Flat Rate
15 second minimum
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Automated Transcriptions
Get a text transcript of audio or video through our AI.
Up to 75 languages for translation
Flat Rate $0.016
Flat Rate
per minute
Become a customer
Automated and Human Transcriptions
Get a text transcript of audio or video through our AI with Human validation.
Add human edits with the promise a 12- hour delivery.
Up to 75 languages for translation
Flat Rate $1.35/ minute
30 days money back Guarantee
No setup fees 100% hassle-free
No monthly subscription Pay once and for all